Low Cost Doomsday



2-11-2021 - w0nd3rful w0rld

'member my dad calling me at like 6 in the morning (while shittin') to talk about the election. Think that was the kicker, actual homo shit. also 'member calling him at thanksgivin' to ask if he wanted me to come over. didn't answer, called like 12 times. I think that's the endgoal. make people forget about their stupid little goy lives and focus on the gripes of god's chosen people. celebrity crap. feels like michael aquino U.S. army psychological warfare COINTEL satanic crap. they don't want you worrying about yourself, they want to live RENT FREE in your mind 24/7. they want your feeble little brain to be chocked full of lame normie politics tv news n-word riot POC #marchforourlives election fraud impeachment #lovetrumpshate COVID-RQS-HH-420-88-19 crap. noticed this on /x/ too. god forbid you try and have a nice little greentext thread. you get a bunch of shills yapping on about crap being """not paranormal.""" a fun little spooky stories thread??? no no no, i'd rather jack off in the nobody general. can't even shitpost now. boards're flooded with injun server farm shills working around the clock to ensure that YOU can't have fun. 'member hearing this phrase "everything is political" yeah maybe if ure a fag or sumthin. m1ght be butchering this (propbably) but i recall john sawyer, one of the fellers that worked on new vegas, hates guns. thinks they should be banned. but he still wanted guns in new vegas to be reqliastic. das why they have all the cool mods, different ammo typoes, unique animations for jamming. i like those games. """political""" games where the creators are able to separate themselves from the art. wierd to see people think that having gay PSYOPs crud in their brains is cool. that ain't livin das survivin'. also 'member goin' on twitter to look at SCS software and the WEstern STar 49x. saw a cute little quote on the right. "people on twitter are the first to know" or some shit like that. yeah, maybe the first in line to be fed cattle feed. 'member hearing a fella say he "loves twitter." strange times i tell u hwut. can't imagine the high point of someone's day is sittin' on twatter and looking at all the FACTS and KNOWLEDGE and HELPFUL information. sorta like ***** people going on newport-pleasures.com to get their payday rewards for smoking menthols. same useless scum bug people (me included). people who use tiwtter must be very SMART and KNOWLEDGABLE and KIND and GENEROUS and FINANCIALY RESPONSIBLE. bet half of them fellers are financing brand spankin' new kias. "ey bro chekc out muh new Kia Stinger" real wierd. "man fuck the rich, chekc out muh new iPhone, just put in muh college fund in GME cuse r3DD1T told me to." i bet you could twatterers to do anything if you could just phrase it right. preddy sure dat applies to everyone but d0nt car3. i s33 the irony in yapping about the net ON THE NET but listen pal it's a little different ya see??? i'm posting here because i have fuck all to do. niqqas who STRENGTHEN their minds on twatter/faceberg are there because they want to brow beat their Cool, Hip, Swell friends.

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